
Are you looking to save energy in your home? Then Home Assistant with smart plugs, smart curtains, and the ability to regulate your heating is the solution for you!

With smart plugs, you can monitor and control the energy consumption of individual devices in your home. This allows you to see which devices consume the most energy and where you can save. But with Home Assistant, you can get even more out of your energy monitoring. For example, you can automatically turn off certain devices when they’re not in use, saving you both energy and money.

Smart curtains can also help you regulate the temperature in your home. By opening the curtains when the sun is shining, the sun’s rays can heat your home naturally. This reduces the need for heating, which saves energy and money. Plus, with Home Assistant, you can automatically control your smart curtains, so you don’t have to think about it yourself.

And then there’s heating. With Home Assistant, you can regulate the heating of your home, so it only runs when it’s needed. For example, you can automatically lower the heating when nobody’s home or when you go to sleep. This saves you both energy and money.

But that’s not all. With Home Assistant, you can set up many more smart automations to save energy. For example, you can automatically turn off the lights when nobody’s in the room or turn off certain devices when you leave the house. With Home Assistant, you have control over all the energy-consuming devices in your home and can use them more efficiently.

In short, Home Assistant offers many possibilities for saving energy in your home. By setting up smart automations and using smart plugs, smart curtains, and the ability to regulate your heating, you can save money and contribute to a better environment in an easy way. Invest in this smart technology and discover how much energy and money you can save!

Contact us to discuss your needs.